Jade Heart Koru

Product no.: NZJ0002

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Prices (VATfree §19UStG) plus delivery

A hand carved New Zealand jade Koru heart pendant from Tamaki Makarau Carving Studio.

It includes a waxed braid cord with hand carved bone toggle, a traditional woven presentation case and a detailed description of the meaning of the carving.

Size: 35mm Long (1.1 Inches)

Material: Nephrit Jade

The spiral form is a Koru, which is the fern frond as it opens bringing new life and purity to the world.
It also represents peace, tranquility, spirituality, family as well as regrowth or new beginnings/journeys.


Product Note Status Price
Jade Hei Matau Jade Hei Matau
180.00 € *
Small Engraved Koru Small Engraved Koru
70.00 € *
Prices (VATfree §19UStG), plus delivery
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